Saturday 4 October 2014

Heading back home xxx

Oct. 4, 2014
3:59 PM
Amsterdam Schipol Airport

Dear Life,

I must apologise firstly for not able to write to you. I have been very busy with my last week in England that I have forgotten to write to you. Too many things had happened and they are all good ones.

Where do I start?

London trip was absolutely great. Friends of mine had a great Sunday and our first stop was at Buckingham palace and lucky us we saw the changing of the gaurds. We had a good walk around Picadilly circus & walked pass by The Ritz and posh shops down to Downing street and Houses of Parliament and Big Ben. We had sandwiches across the London eye and simply savoured the atmosphere. We took another train and headed off to London bridge and into the Poppies of The Tower of London. We then went back to Piccadilly and met with one of my partner's close friend - A. & we all had coffee, tea with cakes and good conversation.

A. gave me a lovely present. She handed out a purple bag to me and in it a box. I opened it and  in it was a exquisite silk handkerchief from Liberty London. She told me that once in her life she was.going through very tough times and someone gave her a Liberty hnadkerchief, something to wipe my tears away. A. & and I had a good conversation. She is going through painful time for she is trying to settle her divorce which is always messy. I am going througj a lot myself but I made the decision to let go of everything that I dont have control of and to stay focus and be positive of my future. We said goodbye to A. and on our way to the station she gave me a kiss on the cheek. She and I habe something in common that we try to hide which is Pain. Later that night she sent me a text telling me that I am inspiring.

My last week in England made me realise on what I want to do with my future. What Ive experienced in London is something I want to have, to be surrounded with art, culture, ballet, theater, food and rich history and so much more is something I CRAVE FOR!

I have decided to be in England. Study, work and eventually be a citizen. I have fallen in love with.England that I am determined to live there in time. It wont be easy getting there but I am more than focus and determined.

So I left England with the hope that I will be back to live my dream. I will do my best to have it.
Ill write to yoi as soon as Im settled back home.

Mykee xxx

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